Opportunities for Spiritual Formation are Endless!

What is Spiritual Formation? A journey not merely about being informed, but about being transformed by Christ and conformed to his image.

Rev. Kristen Wall-Love



If you are looking for ideas of how to deepen your relationship with God or experience God in new ways, please reach out. I’m happy to help!

Here are spiritual disciplines/practices:

prayer, worship, silence, solitude, fasting, celebration, study, meditation (listening), spiritual guidance (spiritual director)( just to start!).

 A spiritual Practice to try on:

"Coffee with God" This is exactly what it sounds like. Take some time during the day to enjoy a beverage of your choice and simply be with God for the time it takes you to finish your cup of joe (or tea or diet coke or whatever). This means just sitting--no reading, no screens, no music—just you, your beverage, and God. Be with God and your thoughts--they may turn into prayers, or not.